Daily Prompt: Google and Rescue Operation

What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it? 

The last thing I Googled was the Electric Run in Melbourne which is happening in April 2014.

I first heard about it a couple of months ago when I saw a random video at the bottom of an article I was reading in my Feedly (which I really need to stop neglecting). I followed the link to the website, and literally sat there for a couple of minutes with my jaw on the ground wanting to know a) what the hell I was looking at and, b) TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!

Turns out it’s called Electric Run – it’s not a timed event, it’s an experience. Different ‘worlds’ along the course, with live music, and the photos keep showing all these people looking like they’re having an incredible time with glowsticks galore and neon EVERYTHING, oh, and some awesome live DJ’s!!. I still wasn’t entire sure what it was, hell, I DON’T EVEN RUN, but I wanted to do this. 

Sitting there watching some clips of previous Electric Run events, in my head I’m screaming “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!”, but rego’s weren’t open for another 6-7 weeks. Today, rego’s opened and I was there right on 9am at my computer with my credit card waiting to register. In hindsight, I should have created a Team, because now a bunch of friends want to join and we could have been one giant team instead 😦 Oh well. It’ll still be amazing, regardless.

And, a perfect excuse to work out some ridiculous costume 😀



6 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Google and Rescue Operation

  1. Pingback: Knit’s just the beginning . . . | Rob's Surf Report

  2. Pingback: Google and Rescue Operation | My Kaleidoscope

  3. Pingback: Google and Rescue Operation | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

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