Daily Prompt – Cliche

Clichés become clichés for a reason. Tell us about the last time a bird in the hand was worth two in the bush for you.

In my line of work, which I refer to as being a ‘shit kicker’ (not literally of course!) I’m tasked with a lot of remedial things, either because others are lazy, or simply not competent enough to know how to do so.

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31 Dec – A Year Of Joy

What do you hope brings you joy in the coming year?

In an ideal world, 2015 will bring a year of change. It will be a year of change that is both painful and pleasant, both of which, eventually bring joy.

2015 will be a year that finally sees me sorting my shit out, and doing something to at least get my life together and being more of a responsible adult. Even if that just means getting rid of my credit card debt – that alone would bring me a lot of joy. *lol*

2015 will also be the year that I endeavour to travel more to visit my family. After seeing them recently, I realised that I really should be doing this much more regularly.

2015 will also be the year that I truly tap into my creative voice and spend more time focusing on my creative writing, despite what others may think of it. Certain people in my life may not necessarily want to know anything about what I’m writing, and well, that’s a real shame, because as much as I don’t like to toot my own horn, I have an ability for creative writing. It’s nothing amazing right now, but it’s something that I’m passionate about, and it should at least be respected enough for the fact that it’s important to me.

But most of all, 2015 will be the year that I return to the one thing I truly miss the most – and that’s dancing. I cannot wait to be able to get my dance shoes on again and start tearing up those floorboards. It’s been an incredibly frustrating wait, and my return is starting to get closer and closer – I can almost taste it!

So here’s to 2015…!

Daily Prompt – Happy Happy Joy Joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

What is this sorcery you speak of? Tears of… joy? What the fuck is that? As in, being so overwhelmed with happiness that you cannot control yourself, and all the squishiness comes out of your eyes??

Nope… never heard of such a ridiculous thing.

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29 Dec – Happy Clothes

Is there something you wear that makes you feel happy?

There are, in fact, different clothes that make me feel happy, depending on the circumstances. I remember when I was younger and during the holidays we’d go to my father’s place on the northern NSW coast, we’d go swimming in the ocean, and it would be freezing, but when we’d return home and shower, I’d put on a jumper and track pants, despite it being 35C outside… which, also, drove my father ballistic because he simply couldn’t comprehend it.

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Daily Prompt – Hindsight

Now that you’ve got some blogging experience under your belt, re-write your very first post.

Well, the very first thing that I posted, was this little blurb, which was the very first post that I ever posted on my blog.

And now I’m faced with the task of re-writing it… *rolls up sleeves* here goes…

Adorably Obnoxious? Or Obnoxiously Adorable?

What exactly does it mean? Isn’t this just a contradiction in terms? Perhaps I should start at the beginning…

I’ve been working at my present job for the past ten years now, and the last four or five of those years, have been perhaps the most entertaining thanks to my friend and co-worker, Crazy Cat Lady. I don’t really know how to explain our relationship – it’s a truly unique and exclusive connection that is shared between us. We speak gibberish, and we lean on and support each other. It’s the kind of connection that truly completes me – and if either of us is away, then the other suffers. As though a significant piece of us is missing.

Some of you are probably reading this wondering what I’m talking about, and it’s hard to explain, it needs to be experienced to be understood.

So, Crazy Cat Lady and I don’t necessarily communicate with each other, like other ‘normal’ people do. We have an entirely different sense of humour, almost completely disjointed from what others would consider a ‘normal’ sense of humour. It’s very unique, and almost becomes it’s own language that only the two of us understand – for everybody else, it just looks weird. We look weird. The way in which the two of us interact is also highly unusual – C.C.L. says she only speaks two languages, English and Gibberish, and given that our desks at work are now side-by-side, we kind of don’t get much work done.

In fact, most of the time when we start talking interacting (because what comes out of our mouths wouldn’t generally be considered talking!) is just random gibberish… and then we start getting louder. As as we get more excited, we get even louder, and then before long we’re being ‘shushed’ by other co-workers. This is what led to us being called obnoxious by somebody in the office.

After being initially offended by this statement, we both agreed that there was some truth to it, but C.C.L also suggested that we were being adorable, hence the suggestion that we were obnoxiously adorable… or adorably obnoxious.



Daily Prompt – Tight Corner

Have you ever managed to paint yourself into the proverbial corner because of your words? What did you do while waiting for them “to dry”?

I often have a problem of my mouth saying things that get me into trouble… especially when I overreact to certain things, and fly off the handle… on to then find out the real story, and I’m left with egg on my face, and then forced to apologise, which I usually find quite hard to do..

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Daily Prompt – Kick The Bucket

What are the top items on your anti-bucket list — those things you never, ever want to do, places you never want to visit, books you never want to read, etc.?

I had a fantastic list all written up as a draft, but I lost it all thanks to a glitch in the WP app on my iPad (ugh!)… so let’s see if I can recall what I wrote…

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Daily Prompt – Secret Santa

You get to choose one gift — no price restrictions — for any person you want. The caveat? You have to give it anonymously. What gift would you give, and to whom?

This is quite a hard decision to make – every person knows a lot of people, and there are a lot of people whom are genuinely in need, not to mention the countless others who are living in poverty around the world.
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